31 October 2008

Mmm... Chocolate Salty Balls!

Happy Halloween, my peeps! Hope everyone has a great, safe night. I can’t see my bedroom floor anymore so I’ll be home folding a week’s worth of laundry. Waah.

I don’t get the Trick o’ Treaters in my neighborhood anymore but I bought plenty of crap to pass out just in case. My GBFF Mish's b-day party is tomorrow at some rooty tooty, high fallutin’ club in Glendale. The website looks glossy. The people I predict will be as equally shiny and one dimensional. *Sigh* Well, I’m going for my girl. Er, she’s sort of forcing me to go but whatever. Maybe it’s time I put on my big girl chonies, got out of the house and did something fun. Check back next week for my club review.

Watch out 818……….. here she comes……………….