15 November 2007

Craigslist will NEVER cease to amaze me!!!

I had an absolute laughing fit earlier. My movie nerd friend Paulie Walnuts just finished emailing me with a response he received for a movie screening posting he inquired about. Paulie is the worst kind of movie-goer that exists. He goes to all sorts of obscure events that he hears about online in hopes of seeing newly released films.
The tile of the original CL posting title stated: "Test Screening Audience Wanted - send your contact info." So he replied with his name and email in hopes of getting hooked up with some sort of secret red carpet Hollywood Beowulf premiere.
This was the response back (mind you, almost immediately):

On Nov 13, 2007 11:36 AM, Gothic Tale wrote:
> Hello...thanks for your reply...the movie is titled, "A GOTHIC TALE" and
> I'll be showing it any afternoon this week between 9AM and 4PM...it won't be
> anything fancy (read as: my apartment), but I'll have snacks and comfortable
> chairs...
> my last film was well received critically:
> http://katiebirdthemovie.com/
> Please let me know your availability. Thanks!
...wishing the best...from the void...justin.paul.ritter...

Who does this? What type of person puts out invites like this in a public forum for any nook and cranny out there, then welcomes them with snacks and beanbag chairs??? I also viewed the movie link he’s posted… some pretty bloody sick shit.

Maybe that’s how he got the victims... err, actors, for the new flick?

13 November 2007

So, I have a poetic side...

"The Learning Curve" - by me!

I will not apologize for being difficult to know
Time will not change that
Prying eyes will not see through it
Catastrophic tendencies have left me
Disabled in the heart
Handicapped on the inside
And hobbled from within.

I have told my winding story
To each and every ear that would listen
Sympathetically they provided me
With a generous sigh that they related
A light pat on my shoulder for comfort
Compassionate nod and twitch for caring
Before their slinking away begins.

Cradled by my mother’s lessons
Rules and errors have schooled me through
Aged me almost to perfection
Guiding me blindly all the way
Learning every debt I must repay
Picking and choosing my few favorite instances
Crestfallen and sad because I could not stay.

Speaking solely of my disinterest
My qualms are steady growing
Vulnerability fast in showing
And the truth, I am quickly and quietly knowing.